Poems written by Petr Petrishchev and translated by Helen Petrova
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Petr Petrishchev

The best poems written

by Petr Petrishchev

were translated in

English by his


Helen Petrova and

presented in this book

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About Petr Petrishchev…


Petr Vasylyevich Petrishchev was a

famous Samara poet, minister of the

Cultural Department, chief of the main

library in Samara Region.

He was born in 1946 and since his

childhood he has been living in

Alekseevka Kinel Samara region.

His family was big: mother Maria, father

Vasyliy and nine children. Petya was the



At school his favourite subjects were

history and literature.

The first poem he wrote was about mice

and his classmate Larisa:


“Do you remember my dear Larise

How you were eating patties with rice

And on the floor two or three mice

With appetite were eating rice crumbs.”



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All his free time he spent in the forest,

in the fields by hunting, fishing and

travelling by boat but what he loved best

of all were freedom, steppe and horses.

“How many horses were there!

I am still sick in my heart,

May be I am yearning for childhood,

May be for travelling by cart…”




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After school he worked as a metal


With his best friend - Ivan Nesterov

With his nephew - Nikolay Fedorov

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Then two years he spend in the Soviet







At the age of 25 he entered in

Pedagogical Institute.

There he fell in love with Svetlana:


“You marvelous name is Svetlana!

This wonderful name - it is yours!

My Goddess, my queen and my Venus!

For me you are best in the world!”





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In 1970 they got married and have been

living together for 46 years.

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After graduation Petr Vasylyevich was a

teacher of History, a headteacher in

Dmitrievka school, then he came back

to Alekseevka and worked there in the

professional college.

As he was active, creative and

energetic in 1979 he was invited in

Samara to work in Regional Communist

Party Committee.

He was responsible for «Friendship

trains» from Kuybyshev to Stara-Zagora.







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He studied in Saratov, in Moscow and

became a candidate of the philosophy


From 1987 to 1992 he was a minister of the

Cultural Department of Kuybyshev.

In difficult time of the 90-th years he was

brave enough to take charge of the largest

and most important library in Samara


Thanks to his efforts now it’s one of the

most popular and modern library not only

in Samara but in Russia.



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In 1996 he won the Margaret Thatcher

Grant and had a chance to study in the


In 1997 he was awarded by the

International Federation of Library

Associations and Institutions as a Man of

the Librarian World.





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In 2016 Petr Vasylyevich died.

But his poems are still alive. I like to read them

and I even try to translate them in English.

Some of them you’ll be able to read in this book.

Last year thanks to all inhabitants of

Alekseevka who know and love

Petr Petrishchev and his poems a lovely square

named after him was opened.



Helen Petrova

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Вечерняя Самара


В вечернем зареве

САМАРА красовалась.

Мерцали окна, крыши, купола.

Она по-новому

Пред нами открывалась.

Она жар-птицей над рекой плыла.

Наш город сказочный,

Наш город дивно-алый

На берегах


Его проспекты, улицы,


Ласкают вольные степные ветерки.

Горит заря,

Румянит Волги волны,

Румянит пляжи,

Кудри тополей.

О, как красивы

Золотые склоны

Сокольих гор

И вольных ЖИГУЛЕЙ.

И Млечный Путь,

И дальние Стожары,

Хрустальность вольных

Заалевших волн,

И на холме

Затихшая Самара,

И тихий, тихий

Предвечерний звон!..



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Evening Samara


The evening sunset.

We can see SAMARA in its beauty:

The windows, roofs and domes of churches.

And we discover it like something new and fruity

Like magic Firebird

That flies above the birches.

It is so fabulous,

So marvelous and scarlet

It’s situated on the banks

Of Belle River.

Its avenues and parks and streets

Are caressed

By winds of freedom

That the steppe has given.

And nightfall

Reddens Volga waves

And beaches,

And curls of poplars.

Oh, how beautiful they are!

And golden slopes

Of mountains named after Falcons

And ZHIGULI – Samara mountain-star!

And only Galaxy Pleiads

Of Milky Way are witnesses

Of hushed Samara

Sleeping on the hill.

And they can hear

Quiet, quiet ringing

Of evening bells,

Like God’s the holly will!



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Вечерняя Самара


И красота,

Торжественность заката…

Повсюду -

Декорации огня.

«ЛАДЬЯ» плывёт

Из дымки синеватой,

Маня в просторы

За собой меня!…

Ветерки нам приносят нектары

Из степей, где струится Иргиз.

Как прекрасна под вечер Самара,

Этажами обнявшая высь!…

Тебя ласкают

Волжские закаты,

Над Жигулями

Крылья распластав,

А ты царишь

Мятежно и крылато,

Красивые строения



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Evening Samara


And beauty,

And solemnity of sunset ...

And everywhere -

Fire decoration.

And Golden "Ladya" floats

From bluish haze,

And call me follow it

The same direction.

And winds bring us the nectars

From the steppes

Where Irgiz is flowing very quickly.

How beautiful the evening city is…

Its buildings are scraping sky so carefully…

And you are caressed

By Volga sunsets,

Over the mountain Zhiguli

Your wings are stretching

You are so beautiful-

My city, Motherland

And we are happy

That we can you watch so…






00:00 / 00:00

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В Алексеевские ветра…






Ветры осени

По сучьям,


Тропки тучам,

Темным тучам

Снежной пыли…

Разве есть

Ветрам поводья?!

Гонят ветры –


Лес остужен,

Травы пали,

И степей

Темнеют дали.

Перелом какой

В природе!

Гонят ветры,

Тучи гонят!

От ветров

Вокруг всё стонет!

Дуют ветры –


Капли падают

С листочка

На раскрытые



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The Alekseevka winds…


Flew and


Blew and


Winds of autumn

From all the world

Cleaned the ways

For dark-dark clouds

Rainy pillows

Snowy crowds

There is no the reins for them

Bring the rainfall they again

Wood is cold

The grass is wilted

Steppe is strange

The winds …

All changed!

Chase the winds

The clouds foul

Everything around howl

Overtime they blow,

Cleave trees

Drops fall down

From the leaves


The winds got calm

Rain falls down

To your soft palm...




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Тебе Алексеевка…


Тебе Алексеевка,

Песня моя!

Крылатый поселок,

Заволжская просинь!

Пишу эти строки

Я, грусть затая,

Пишу я, встречая

Багряную осень...


На этой горе

Моя юность прошла.

Я так благодарен

За ясные зори.

Здесь песня когда-то

В груди ожила

О нашем степном,

Беспредельном просторе.


О наших просторах

Доныне пою.

Как только приеду,

Душа песни просит.

Полынные ветры

Тут радостно пью,

Те ветры, что к счастью

На крыльях возносят.



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For you Alekseevka…


For you Alekseevka,

I present my song!

The village on top hill

Like bird above water!

I’m writing these lines

Hiding sadness in soul

I’m writing these lines

In arrival of autumn.


On this lovely hill

My youth has been passed

I’m really grateful

For your clear dawns.

My poetic talent

One day here’s come

The gift to describe

Your unlimited beauty.


About your beauty

I’m writing today

When I have just come

My soul asks for poems.

Your winds smell wormwood

And I drink them like rum.

They take me away

On the wings to the happiness.






00:00 / 00:00

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Тебе Алексеевка...


Твой образ, поселок,

Откосы холма,

Самарки извивы,

Кинельские дали,

Желтеющих нив

Возле СХИ бахрома.

Лесов разноцветные,

Пестрые шали.


Твой образ, поселок,

Ликующий май,

Цветущие вишни

На солнечных склонах.

Ворчанье ручьев,

Крик тоскующих стай,

И луг потрясающе

Нежно – зеленый.


Тебе Алексеевка,

Песня моя!

Крылатый поселок,

Заволжская просинь!

Пишу эти строки

Я, грусть, затая,

Пишу я, встречая

Багряную осень...





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For you Alekseevka...


Your image, my village,

The slopes of the hill,

The bends of Samarka,

Kinel over there.

The yellowish leafage

Next to Ust’Kinelsk

In forest your trees’

So colorful foliage.


Your image, my village,

The triumph of May,

The cherry in blossom

In your sunny gardens.

The humming of streams,

Cry of flocks of the birds

And meadow so clean,

So light green, so awesome.


For you Alekseevka,

I present my song!

The village on top hill

Like bird above water!

I’m writing these lines

Hiding sadness in soul

I’m writing these lines

In arrival of autumn…





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Моим восторгам нет предела…


Моим восторгам

Нет предела

Целую, радуюсь,


Ночь тихо снегом шелестела

Под фонарями

Бель летела,

Как летом бабочки к огню...

Как летом бабочки к огню…


Твоя краса,


Мольба и зов,

Сплетенье рук...

Качались фонари в тумане,

Буран на грань

Проталин ранних

Плел паутину, как паук...

Плел паутину, как паук…





И снова;

Объятья, омут,

Страсти плен!

Спадали робости оковы.

Ночник мерцал многоголово

Бросая отблески вдоль стен...

Бросая отблески вдоль стен…





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My admiration has no limit…


My admiration

Has no limit

I kiss you joyfully

I sing…

It’s snows so quietly

Under lanterns

Snowflakes like butterflies in swing…

Snowflakes like butterflies in swing…



Your charm and beauty

Are incredible,

Appeal and call…

Contact of hands…

The lanterns in the fog

Are invisible

The snowstorm in the edge of melted snow

Spins his white web like spiderman.

Spins his white web like spiderman…





And confession…

Embrace and passion…

Timid love!

The shyness goes away and night lamp

In bedroom blinks like many small balls

And casts the shadows on the walls…

And casts the shadows on the walls…






00:00 / 00:00

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Звёзды небесные….


Звезды небесные,

Вы ль не свидетели

Сколько в веках

О любви понаписано,

Сколько в веках

О любви наговорено.

Только все эти ли,

Эти ли, эти ли?

Эти ль слова

В звонких рифмах сплетенные?

Может быть главные

И не найдены,

Самые, самые…

Кровью калёные.

И не найденные,

И не найденные

Бродят слова.


Люди заученно,

Люди, как сонные,

Треплют слова,

Много раз повторённые.

И сомневаюсь я

Эти ли, эти ли?

Звезды небесные,

Вы ль не свидетели?





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Stars in the sky….


Stars in the sky

You are witnesses, aren’t you?

How many words of love have ever been told by us,

How many words of love have ever been read by us…

But I am not sure -

Are they the true ones?

Are they the true ones?

Are they the true..?

Are there these words in rhymes and in poems?

May be the main ones weren’t found by poets?

Best of the best,

Full of love and of blood…

May be unfound, may be unfound…

They are still in the bud!


People like thoughtless,

People like sleepy ones…

Use the same words

And repeat them so many times…

But I am not sure -

Are they the true?

Stars in the sky

You are witnesses, aren’t you?






00:00 / 00:00

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Звёзды небесные...


В вихре безумства

И пламенной неге

Трудно понять мне

Закон человечества…

Мысли беснуются,

Мечутся, мечутся,

Дыбятся, ярятся

В буйном разбеге...


Что же придумать




Самого, самого…

Кровью калёного

Слово любви!


Горло сдавила

Кипящая лава,

Звонкою медью

Душа затрубила,

Мозг затуманила

Странная сила…




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Stars in the sky...


In a whirlwind of madness

And fiery bliss

I can’t understand

What the mankind law means…

My thoughts in the rush,

In the fog, in the crush

Hurl and confound

Mix up and gush…


How can I create




Best of the best

Full of blood

Word of love!


My throat is squeezed,

My soul is suppressed,

My mind is broken

By the power blessed...





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Звёзды небесные...




Но величаво,

Выплыло слово,

До боли знакомое,

И не знакомое, и не знакомое,

Слово такое…, такое весомое






Видно не зря

В круговерти событий

Люди, рыдая,

То слово шептали.

Годы хранили,

Века сохраняли,

Чтобы главнее

Всех правд и открытий

Слово великое вечно вставало,

Зорями в небе

На радость пылало.

Новое, новое, золотокрылое

Нежное слово







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Stars in the sky...



Quickly subconsciously

But unhesitatingly,

I caught the word

Painfully familiar…

Oh, may be unfamiliar…

May be unfamiliar….

Word so significant

And so important…


Oh, dear!

My dear!!!!


Surely for reason

In critical moments

People in tears

Were whispering word this.

Repeated for years,

Saved across centuries

More vital and crucial

All truth and all treasures.

This word…

Eternal and gentle,

So cheerful and clear!

Best of the best!!!!







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Petr Petrishchev My Favourites

Helen Petrova


Добавил: Helen Petrova


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Опубликовано: 22 Feb 2019

Poems written by Petr Petrishchev and translated by Helen Petrova


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